Grace and Glory - Prestonwood Bookstore

Grace and Glory

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Come with an expectant heart and step into a deeper relationship with the God of the universe.

In this 365-day devotional from Louie Giglio of Passion City Church, you're invited into a yearlong journey to deepen your relationship with the God who created the whole cosmos. He is the God of all grace, and He has called you to walk with Him into eternal glory, as a son or daughter of God. Will you take the journey?

In Grace & Glory, Louie guides you day by day through Scripture, prayers, and biblical insights that point to the beauty of Jesus' transformative work on the cross. Recognizing the radical, personal grace you receive from a glorious God offers you strength and confidence to face every trial and anxious thought. As you dive deeper into the fullness of His love and the power of His Spirit, your soul will rejoice.

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